Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 8

Essay Example A randomized control trial or RCT consists of two groups where the subjects are assigned randomly to the following: (1) experimental group, a group who receives intervention being tested, and (2) comparison or control group, the group who receives alternative or conventional treatment (Kendall, 2003). Any differences between the outcomes will be followed up by the researcher, and the trials’ results and subsequent analysis are used in assessing the efficacy of the intervention (Kendall, 2003). Kendall added that the most stringent way of determining the existence of cause and effect between the intervention and outcome are the RCTs. (1) In order to achieve appropriate generalisable results, the sample being studied must be appropriate to the tested hypothesis. Sufficient patients will be recruited in the study to allow it to have probability of clinically detecting important clinical differences between treatments if a difference exists truly. Assume that your recommendation is that the application should not be funded, and explain carefully any faults that you feel the proposal may have. I suggest you concentrate on the methodology for the study and whether it will achieve its aims and answer the research question, and whether the proposed study would be ethical, in terms of what would be done to the participants. If you feel the study will not achieve its aims, state why; if you feel that it is ethically flawed, explain your opinion. After reading the grant application concerning the treatment of back pain by physiotherapists, it is hereby decided that the proposal will not be funded by the regional committee for the following reasons: The researcher did not discuss the basis of doing randomised controlled trial method in the clinical research study. The advantages of using this type of sampling over other types of clinical trials must be clearly indicated in the proposal. It was noted in the study that

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